MIgrants And Refugee ProtectIon
- 2024, Unpacking the Enigmatic Lives and Survival of Syrian Dom Refugee Women in North Lebanon" (co-author)
- 2024, Gender, Mobility and (In)visibility: Intersectional Protection Risks and Coping Mechanisms for Syrian Dom Women in North Lebanon. (co-author)
- 2023, Aslı Saban Where Are We Going? Testimonies of Movement Pain and Exchange
- 2023, Saban Aslı, On Home and Belonging: A History of Exchange Between Greek and Turkish Populations.Lebanese American University (Author)
- 2022, Saban Aslı,Integration and Mental Health: The Case of the Uyghur Diaspora. Lebanese American University (Author)
- 2022, Childhood and Displacement in Yemen’s Protracted Crisis.Lebanese American University (co-author)
- 2022, The Dom in Lebanon: Citizens, Migrants, Refugees and Nomads. Lebanese American University (co-author)
- 2021, Saban Aslı, Before You Buy a Pineapple, Think About Migrant Workers. Migration Youth & Children Platform (Author)
- 2018, The Dom: The Other Asylum Seekers from Syria. Kırkayak Kültür (Contributor)
- 2019, Encouraging Integration and Social Cohesion of Syrian Dom Immigrants Proposal for a Regional Social Inclusion Strategy Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Kırkayak Kültür (Contributor)
Women’s RIGHTS
- 2024, Feminist Sosyal Hizmet Perspektifiyle Mevsimlik Tarım İşçisi Kadınlarda Cinsel Sağlık ve Üreme Sağlığını Geliştirmeye Yönelik Örnek Bir Grup Çalışması Tasarımı (co-author)
- 2023, Research Lead- Report Writers: Aslı Saban, Dr. Abijoude, Pilot Research on Protection Risks of Dom Refugee Women in Akkar/ Lebanon
- 2023, Saban,Aslı Turkey's Upcoming Elections and Women's Rights. Gender Security Project (Author)
- 2022, None of us are free until all of us are free. Gender Security Project (co-author)
- 2022, Women in Turkey are fighting for their Reproductive Health Rights.Gender Security Project (co-author)
- 2022, Saban,Aslı Recommendation for Women Shelters in Turkey. Vital Voices (Author)
- 2022, Kekik Tedarik Zincirinde Çalışan İşçilerin Yaşam ve Çalışma Koşullarının İyileştirilmesi ve Çocuk İşçiliğinin Önlenmesi Projesi Raporu.Pikolo Association. (Contributor)
- 2021, Saban Aslı The Forgotten Children, Migration Youth&Children Platform (Author)